Collection: Ultimate Studio Gym Equipment for Fitness and Exercise in the UK

Discover a wide selection of fitness equipment for your studio or home gym in the UK. Shop our extensive range and enjoy fast delivery and finance options.

Creating an effective studio workout space requires the right mix of equipment. At PureWay Fitness, we offer a wide range of strength training, cardio, and flexibility equipment designed for studio settings. Build a complete studio with our curated collection of studio gym equipment.

Studio Barbell Sets

Our barbell sets come with Olympic bars and weight plates to suit any strength training routine. Go heavy on squats, presses, and deadlifts, or keep it light for higher rep conditioning work. Rubber coated plates protect floors and are a great addition to any home gym equipment collection.

Studio Dumbbells

Dumbbells remain a staple for balanced strength training. Our hex rubber dumbbells come in sets with racks for easy storage, ideal for both commercial gym and home use. Neoprene coated dumbbells offer another versatile option for sculpting full body strength.

Cardio Machines

Get hearts pumping with our studio cardio machines. Treadmills, exercise bikes, ellipticals, and rowers let you incorporate calorie-burning cardio between strength sets or for dedicated cardio days, enhancing your home fitness routine.

Studio Equipment Racks

Keep your studio organised with racks and trees for storing accessories like bands, bars, dumbbells, kettlebells, and more, making it a versatile space for all your fitness studio needs. Wall-mounted and freestanding racks maximize space.

Fitness Balls & Yoga

Incorporate flexibility, balance, and core work with stability balls, yoga balls, foam rollers, and yoga mats and accessories, ideal for achieving a comprehensive home fitness regime. Stretch, roll out muscles, and improve mobility.

Steps & Plyo Boxes

Add levels to your training with adjustable aerobic steps or plyometric boxes. These versatile pieces allow for step training as well as box jumps and other explosive exercises.

FAQs on selecting the right studio gym equipment.

What is the benefit of studio exercise equipment?

Dedicated studio equipment allows you to efficiently circuit between strength training, cardio, and mobility exercises for a complete workout experience. Having gear tailored for a studio space maximizes floor space and contributes to efficient gym design.

How much weight do I need for a studio weight set?

Most studio weight sets include 300-500 lbs of plates which allows for heavy compound lifts as well as higher rep dumbbell and accessory work, making them essential for commercial gyms and fitness studios. You can always expand the set later.

How do I clean and care for studio equipment?

Use disinfecting gym wipes or a light, eco-friendly cleaner to wipe down equipment after use. Don't use harsh chemicals or abrasives on your gym equipment. Store equipment properly when not in use.

How much space is needed for a studio gym?

The amount of space depends on the specific equipment you want and how many people will use it at once. As a general guideline, allow for 25-35 sq ft per person for movement and accessory equipment.

Can I buy individual pieces rather than full sets?

Absolutely! Perfect for achieving your fitness goals at home. We sell individual barbells, dumbbells, benches, and more a la carte in addition to packaged sets. This makes it easy to expand your studio one piece at a time.

Build out your dream studio fitness space with PureWay's complete strength, cardio, and flexibility equipment collection. Our gear is designed for hard use while maximizing a compact footprint. Take your training to new levels with our comprehensive range of studio gym equipment!